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Penta Learning Mode: What You All Need To Know

Today’s world is filled with digital information. With so much content available, it is important for learners of all ages to learn how to find the information they need and use it effectively. Learning how to find, understand, and use information is key to success in any field. The ability to find and understand information efficiently will help you succeed in school and in your career. To do this, learners are presented with interactive activities that will support them in developing these skills.

Today’s school is rapidly changing, with new technologies having a transformative effect. The digital revolution is enabling new ways of learning and an increase in remote or virtual learning. We are seeing this change as students become more collaborative and connected, and schools become more agile. This trend reflects the growing importance of digital collaboration, online learning, and distance learning programs. The Penta Learning Module helps learners develop skills in finding, evaluating, organizing and using information.

Hybrid learning transformation is a catch-all phrase for the schools wide changes required to succeed in this rapidly shifting education landscape.

Learn more about the Penta Learning modes below:

in campus learning

 Mode 1: In-campus Learning: Physical classrooms provide a face-to-face interactive setting for professors and students. In our previous blog, we’ve shown the difference between traditional and online learning. Click here to know more. In-campus learning is a primitive method of education and yet it holds numerous positive aspects of education.

Attending a physical class in the school has many advantages, including better communication with the instructors and better learning resources.

Mode 2:  Live learning: A smart classroom has chosen to learn via live learning. A smart classroom is a technology-enhanced learning environment that improves digital teaching and learning. Digital displays, tabs, whiteboards, assistive listening devices, and other audio/visual components are integrated into the classroom to make lectures easier, more engaging, and interactive.

The road to creating a smart classroom has been long and winding. From a school that relied primarily on chalk and boards for interaction, a step toward interactive whiteboards has been made.” It replaces the traditional concept of teaching by incorporating the best “digital ink technology,” which helps children stay focused on the classroom lessons while also being interesting.

Mode 3: Video learning: Video is quickly becoming the standard e-learning format. In 2021, YouTube was reported to be the second most visited website after Google with over 2 billion users. But what makes video-based learning so engaging? Video-based learning literally refers to learning experiences facilitated through video. With its ability to combine camera footage, animation, graphics, text, and audio, videos create a multisensory learning experience, unlike any other e-learning format. Because of this, it’s no surprise that video-based learning is quickly becoming a dominant standard of online training.

Mode 4: Digital learning: Digital learning is a practice of learning using technologies in an effective way, combining different elements such as blended or virtual learning using e.g. mobile technologies or e-learning. It requires a combination of technology, digital content, and instruction. In other words, digital learning places the learner at the heart of the training and it is the training that adapts to the learner and not the other way round.

textbook reading
Mode 5: Print learning: Print learning is nothing but hard copies of a book to enhance learning. Students don’t need special equipment to use it, and with adequate light, print materials can be used anywhere at any time. Students can review the materials at their own speed.

At SP Smart School, we incorporate all 5 modes of learning that ultimately make our students learning abilities propagate to a higher level of understanding. Our penta mode of learning method is a top-notch learning module that amplifies great results in our students. Apart from the Penta module, we also follow the SP Smart Hybrid Schooling System which is a driving force in the education era today that has facilitated our students acing their exams, be it general or competitive, SP Smart School delivers a wholesome learning experience to every student.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Vasu Sharma

    SP SMART SCHOOL is a perfect balance for achieving high academic results and at the same time maintains an effective learning environment for holistic development of a child…❤

  2. Atul Kumar

    Sp smart is the best learning platform with high tech system of education, students friendly environment with innovative indoor activities like debate , speech, drawing that boots students confidence 😄

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